Upcoming Friday, 27/11/2020, will be Black Friday, and Ksolves India Ltd has already announced the Black Friday sale for its customers. Going back to the past, in the late 19th Century, President Lincoln made the Thanksgiving holiday an official one. Later, in 1905, the Canadian store had hosted the first Thanksgiving parade. Following this, Macy’s had launched its Thanksgiving Day parade, and in the 1950s, people began calling in sick the day after Thanksgiving for shopping. In print, the holiday term “Black Friday” was coined!
So, Black Friday is popular among retailers as a profitable Friday. In 2020, more sellers are providing discounts to their customers during pandemic distress because of the market slowdown.
Black Friday Sale by Ksolves
To retain the customer base and help the SMEs grow in tough times of pandemic distress, Ksolves is introducing Black Friday Sale. On selected apps and themes, Ksolves is offering up to 20% off on selected apps and themes with
Best in Class 365 Days Support Service
90 Days Return Policy, and
Lighting Speed Apps and Themes Implementation Assistance
For Ksolves, Black Friday is no longer a single day deal with countdown. We have decided to provide a prolonged window for the sale to offer maximum benefits to our customers. Our customer’s satisfaction and benefit are the utmost objectives through which we earn our loyal customers who love to return!
Benefits of Buying From Ksolves
In the era of transparency, everyone strives for clear communication and a timely approach with the sellers. At Ksolves, we strive for the better by providing fair deals and transparent customer service. Compared to 2018, brick-and-mortar traffic on Thanksgiving and Black Friday fell up to 9% because of the emergence of the e-Commerce industry. As the world reels under the pandemic, more software buyers prefer online modes of meetings and finalize the deals owing to social distancing norms.
Through our intense market research, we found that online sellers are no longer waiting for Cyber Monday, and they are using all of their marketing strategies in the Black Friday Game.
At Ksolves, we work with the multi-dimensional approach to provide best in class services to our customers. Let us go ahead and discuss some of the best services you can avail of while buying any app or theme from Ksolves India Ltd.
Customer Service
At Ksolves, working with customers is the King’s motive. When you buy any app or theme from Ksolves Store, it comes with a guarantee of best in class customer service. It doesn’t matter what you buy at what price, our customer service remains exceptional to our clients without any miss.
Multifunctional Apps
Ksolves is the premier Odoo developer that provides a variety of multifunctional apps and themes. Our premier apps and themes fulfill the basic and advanced requirements of the clients. On Black Friday Sale, we are providing discounts on
App Type
App Name
Odoo Gantt Chart App
Odoo Gantt View
Odoo Application
Odoo Website Dashboard App
Website Dashboard Ninja
Odoo Application
Odoo Sales Management App
One-Click Sales Purchase
Odoo Application
Community Edition Odoo ERP Backend Theme
Kernel Backend Theme
Odoo Theme
Enterprise Edition Odoo Enterprise Backend Theme
Kernel Backend Theme
Odoo Theme
Odoo Dashboard App
Dashboard Ninja
Odoo Application
Odoo List View App
List View Manager
Odoo Application
Odoo Reporting Tools
Odoo Application
Odoo Office 365 Integration
Office 365 Connector
Odoo Application
Responsive Odoo eCommerce Theme
Theme Kinetik
Odoo Theme
Odoo WooCommerce Connector
WooCommerce Connector
Odoo Application
Customizable Applications
At Ksolves, we aim to provide the best in class customizable Odoo apps to the clients. The best thing about Odoo ERP is its customizable friendly apps that can be integrated according to its requirements. During the Black Friday offer, we are providing up to 20% discount on Odoo apps and themes.
Converting a lead into a prospect and prospect into a client is one of the significant challenges for organizations. But, at Ksolves, Customer is King, and we always treat our customers with utmost priorities. With 8+ years of industry experience, we have learned a lot from our customers. At Ksolves, we treat our customers just like we want to be treated. During the financial crisis because of the Pandemic, the Black Friday sale is introduced to help SMEs outgrow their day-to-day operations.
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