Apprehend the capabilities of Salesforce Einstein Next Best Action: What is it and How Does it Work?



June 3, 2024

Salesforce Einstein Capabilities

Over the period of time, it has been apparent that people are inundated with data and processes. They often lack a 360-degree view of the customer. As for customers, they demand customized and personalized experiences. This is where Salesforce Einstein Next Best Action comes into the picture.

Einstein Next Best Action (ENBA) is known to empower its customers to make faster insightful decisions and personalize their real-time experiences. Additionally, enterprises can increase productivity, drive customer satisfaction, and boost revenue for their business.

Intending to offer the right actions to the right customers at the right time, ENBA is an out-of-the-box Salesforce platform feature that can manage and execute business rules and filters that surface the best course of action for any user. This tool can offer a myriad of recommended actions immediately accessible from a standard object in Salesforce called “Recommendations.”

Introduction to Salesforce Einstein Next Best Action

Einstein Next Best Action is one of the most incredible features introduced by Salesforce. The feature is known to automate the business process by providing optimal recommendations to the agents and customers.

The functionality serves as a process automation solution, offering personalized recommendations for the most effective actions to undertake in various scenarios. These recommendations are dynamically generated in real-time, leveraging extensive datasets and predictive analytics to ensure personalized guidance. ENBA prioritizes customer touchpoints, particularly within service agent interactions, enhancing decision-making processes.

The main objective of Einstein Next Best Action is to deliver the optimal action to the appropriate individual at the precise moment. This functionality benefits both agents by providing recommendations to improve their workflow and customers by offering tailored suggestions within communities based on their interactions.

How Does Salesforce Einstein Next Best Action Function:

Next Best Action delivers optimal solutions by aligning with the company’s business rules and needs. To accomplish this, it employs recommendations, flows, and action strategies as required.


Utilizing AI-powered business strategies, including advanced algorithms and machine learning, Salesforce Einstein Next Best Action analyzes vast datasets to generate personalized recommendations. These recommendations are customized to specific users or situations, providing insights into the most effective actions to take at any given time.

Whether it’s suggesting the next best offer for a sales interaction or recommending the optimal resolution path for a service case, these recommendations enhance decision-making and drive desired outcomes.


Salesforce Einstein Next Best Action integrates seamlessly with business processes through flows. These flows automate actions based on predefined rules and triggers, streamlining workflows and reducing manual effort.

By intelligently guiding users through various tasks and processes, flows enhance efficiency and productivity while ensuring consistency and compliance with organizational policies.

Action Strategies

Action strategies in Salesforce Einstein Next Best Action enable organizations to define and implement specific decision-making logic. These strategies leverage data-driven insights to determine the most appropriate actions to take in different scenarios.

By configuring action strategies according to business objectives and requirements, organizations can optimize outcomes and drive greater success in their operations.

Setup Einstein Next Best Action

Below are steps that can lead to a successful set of Einstein Next Best Actions:

Determine the type of recommendations

To kickstart the process automation, the first step is to select and create the recommendations that will begin exact business scenarios within a record. The recommendation type is customizable to suit the business requirements. It could be:

a. Offering the most relevant add-on deals or discounts to customers based on their recent or last purchase.

b. Providing a support system that offers personalized, unparalleled solutions for their recently purchased items.

Salesforce provides a standard object called Recommendation for creating a new recommendation to update the Close Date. We can either create a new record under the Recommendation object or repurpose an existing recommendation record if it aligns with our needs. In this case, we’ll create a new recommendation record as follows:

Field  Depiction
 Name Name of the recommendation
 Description Description of the recommendation
 Image Display image for the recommendation (Optional)
 Acceptance Label Display a label for accepting the recommendation
 Rejection Label Display a label for rejecting the recommendation
 Action  Option to select the automated business process

Develop Action Strategies

In Salesforce Strategy Builder, strategies are formed by integrating insights and business rules to formulate recommended actions for end users. When configuring an action strategy, it’s crucial to explicitly specify the object where we intend to display these recommendations.

This ensures that errors are minimized during the creation of actions within the expression builder. By leveraging Salesforce Strategy Builder features, we can streamline the process of designing effective action strategies customized as per our business objectives.

Incorporate sources of insights

Optionally, integrate additional sources of insights into Einstein Next Best Action to enrich its recommendation capabilities. This could involve integrating customer data from various sources such as CRM systems, website interactions, or third-party platforms to enhance the accuracy and relevance of recommendations.

Embed recommendations

The recommendation created above can be incorporated into any Salesforce record or external page. This recommendation will then be accessible within the Next Best Action – Strategy Builder.

Entrench the generated recommendations seamlessly within your existing workflows and applications. Ensure that recommendations are presented to users in relevant contexts, such as within CRM dashboards, service consoles, or marketing campaigns, to facilitate informed decision-making.

Take an action

Finally, take action based on the recommendations delivered by Einstein Next Best Action. Implement the suggested actions, whether it’s reaching out to a customer with a personalized offer, resolving a service issue proactively, or engaging with leads based on their predicted preferences.

By following these steps, you can effectively set up and leverage Einstein Next Best Action to drive personalized engagement and optimize outcomes across your organization.

Features of Salesforce Einstein Next Best Action

ENBA can be easily customized with a few clicks, negating the need for coding and making it suitable for a wide range of users. ENBA tools have numerous indigenous benefits showcasing their versatility in enhancing decision-making and interaction quality. Here are some notable features of ENBA:

Personalized Recommendation

Advanced artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques are utilized by Einstein Next Best Action to evaluate enormous volumes of data and provide tailored recommendations.

Every user receives personalized recommendations based on their past interactions, preferences, past purchases, and historical behavior patterns.

Organizations may enhance customer engagement and satisfaction by timely and relevant suggestions, which can result in higher customer retention and loyalty.

Real-Time Insights

Real-time insights and recommendations are provided by Einstein Next Best Action, enabling users to make well-informed decisions during customer encounters or corporate operations.

By leveraging real-time analytics, companies can promptly adjust to evolving client demands and market conditions, guaranteeing operational flexibility and responsiveness.

Users can improve overall operating efficiency by streamlining workflows, quickly resolving difficulties, and seizing opportunities as they present themselves by receiving rapid direction.

Integration with the Salesforce Ecosystem

A comprehensive picture of customer data across all touchpoints is made possible by Einstein Next Best Action’s seamless integration with other Salesforce products, including Sales Cloud, Service Cloud, Marketing Cloud, and Commerce Cloud.

The platform may interact with third-party applications and systems in addition to Salesforce products, giving businesses the ability to use data from many sources for improved insights and suggestions.

By offering a unified platform for keeping and accessing customer data, integration with the Salesforce ecosystem streamlines the user experience, doing away with the need for manual data entry and guaranteeing data consistency throughout the company.

Workflow Automation

By using preset rules and triggers, Einstein Next Best Action automates monotonous operations and procedures, giving users more time to concentrate on high-value work.

Organizations can boost efficiency and productivity by automating repetitive operations, enabling staff members to complete more work in less time.

Workflow automation guarantees process consistency and lowers the possibility of human error, which improves operational performance and data quality.

Upgrade and Update

Salesforce continuously adds new features, functionalities, and performance enhancements to Einstein Next Best Action in response to user feedback and industry developments.

Users gain access to the most recent developments in AI-driven recommendation technology, guaranteeing that their businesses continue to lead the way in innovation and gain a competitive edge.

Users seamlessly receive updates, reducing interruption and guaranteeing a seamless rollout of new features and functionalities.

Use Cases of Salesforce Einstein Next Best Action

Einstein Next Best Action tool has a myriad of advantages. Hence, the functionality extends its benefits across different departments within a company, ensuring efficiency and scalability. Here are some notable applications:


Salesforce Einstein Next Best Action makes cognitive recommendations based on prior experience and offers suggestions on how to approach clients. This makes it possible to locate and target potential clients and create actual sales possibilities.

Based on the customer’s past habits, interests, and purchasing history, for instance, it can suggest particular offers. Additionally, it offers suggestions for the most effective ways to follow up with customers, such as making follow-up calls or mailing promotional materials.


The tool provides guidance on how to effectively handle problems that arise during service contacts, improving client satisfaction. During technical support interactions, it makes recommendations regarding offers for product or service upgrades.


Einstein Next Best Action tool provides marketing representatives advice on the optimal course of action for every campaign, considering the target audience. These suggestions are produced by taking into account the customer’s past interactions as well as the information that is currently accessible regarding their preferences and likes. It also offers criteria based on user activity, which helps with dynamic audience segmentation for marketing efforts. For every user, it suggests the most pertinent information in email campaigns, digital ads, and other marketing tactics.


ENBA helps in Commerce by offering incredibly personalized product recommendations based on user behavior on the website, individual tastes, and past purchases. By presenting content, promotions, or product recommendations based on previous activity, it dynamically modifies the user experience. By offering pertinent options, this strategy not only improves the browsing experience but also increases conversion rates, which in turn increases sales.


Salesforce Einstein Next Best Action represents a paradigm shift in how businesses react to Einstein AI integrations to drive personalized engagement and maximize customer value. By facilitating the power of data-driven insights and intelligent automation, organizations can cater to new opportunities for growth, differentiation, and customer satisfaction.

Ksolves can help you make the best of Einstein Next Best Action with its Salesforce consulting services. The organization is known to offer the best services to its customers with its team of dedicated professionals.

Embracing Salesforce Einstein Next Best Action is not just about adopting a new technology, it’s about embracing a mindset of innovation and empowerment to thrive in the digital age.

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ksolves Team

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