Big Data Tracking us in COVID-19, Want to Know How?

Big Data


October 8, 2021


Big Data Tracking us in COVID-19, Want to Know How?

The pandemic situation has arrived, with serious and life-threatening consequences. It has brought with it new difficulties as well as a sharp spotlight on long-standing concerns. Leaders responded fast to make sense of the virus and stop its spread using big data analytics technologies like AI and machine learning, culminating in a year of technical advancements and abundant data resources. The epidemic has spurred researchers and developers to devise novel approaches to reduce COVID-19’s impact, ranging from more data sharing and access to improved data analytics and AI technologies. Through this article, we’ll look at what exactly is Big Data and how Big Data has helped COVID 19 overcome numerous difficulties, allowing the epidemic to become the new normal.

What Is Big Data And What Is Its Importance?

Big data is defined as data with increased diversity that arrives in bigger numbers and with greater velocity. This is also known as the three Vs (Variety, Volume, and Velocity). Simply said, big data refers to larger, more complicated data collections, particularly those derived from new data sources. These data sets are so large that standard data processing technologies cannot handle them. However, these vast amounts of data may be utilized to address business challenges that were previously unsolvable. It assists you in analyzing for insights that lead to improved judgments and strategic company actions.

The significance of big data is determined not by how much data you have, but by what you do with it. You may analyze data from any source to uncover answers that allow for cost savings, time savings, new product creation, and smart decision-making. When large data and high-powered analytics are combined, you may execute business-related activities like:

  • In near-real-time, you can determine the fundamental causes of failures, problems, and flaws.
  • Based on the customer’s purchasing behavior at the point of sale, you can develop effective marketing tactics.
  • In minutes, you can evaluate and predict all risk variables, as well as design efficient preventative measures to boost your company’s profitability.
  • Fraudulent behavior can also be detected before it has a detrimental impact on your business.

How Big Data Helps Trace Outbreak

With the rapid rise in coronavirus infections, big data has the potential to aid in epidemic detection. We can use algorithms to analyze health records and track patients’ contact histories to help trace patterns of viral spread by combining data from multiple sources. 

Natural Language Processing

Natural Language Processing is an artificial intelligence approach worth mentioning. NLP may assist assign greater meaning to human communication by studying normal human interactions in the form of text and speech. It may be used to examine social media links and online news stories, possibly raising an alert when new COVID-19-related events occur throughout the world. NLP and other big data approaches can be utilised in event detection in the future to ensure that such health crises are dealt with quickly. But despite substantial advancements in recent years, these technologies are still relatively young, and numerous implementation problems, such as data ambiguity and information overload, persist.

Smartphone Applications

With the aid of smartphone applications, several governments across the world are attempting to slow the spread of the epidemic. These programmes track people’s movements to see if they are in high-risk areas or have come into touch with high-risk individuals. However, the increased use of big data has generated ethical issues and presented legal problems. These mobile phone applications have access to a large quantity of personal data. Compromised privacy, a loss of personal liberty, and public desire for openness and justice while using big data are all ethical concerns. As a result, while employing big data, it is critical to properly examine and execute data privacy regulations.

Tracking Systems

Organizations can monitor and analyse the utilisation of vital resources using big data analytics technologies. Cell phone information, for example, can be used to get Global Positioning System coordinates that can be used to monitor people’s travels. Using this data to identify hotspots and stop the spread of the virus during a pandemic has enormous promise. Furthermore, a web-based dashboard tracking real-time data on confirmed COVID-19 cases, fatalities, and recoveries for all impacted nations has been released by a number of institutions and businesses. Sentiment analysis based on social media data, for example, can be able to give helpful insights to aid in the development of suitable public health messaging.


Traditional data gathering methods, which require field trips, can be dangerous during these periods. In this environment, big data is more important and helpful than ever if proper privacy and ethical safeguards are taken care of. The COVID-19 pandemic will pass, but the methods and progress made at this time are likely to last long after the crisis has passed. Big data analytics tools have played a vital role in the healthcare industry’s response to coronavirus infection, and these technologies will certainly continue to play a role in healthcare in the future. If you too want to explore the potential of big data for your organization, then a more systematic approach needs to be followed, and that comes with Ksolves. We are fully committed to maintaining the big data and providing excellent Big Data services as one of the best big data developers. By harnessing the power of Big Data, we can promote and help any business grow.




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Anil Kushwaha

Big Data

Anil Kushwaha, Technology Head at Ksolves, is an expert in Big Data and AI/ML. With over 11 years at Ksolves, he has been pivotal in driving innovative, high-volume data solutions with technologies like Nifi, Cassandra, Spark, Hadoop, etc. Passionate about advancing tech, he ensures smooth data warehousing for client success through tailored, cutting-edge strategies.

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