Learn How To Build And Deploy AI-powered Image Caption Generator

Artificial Intelligence


January 4, 2022

AI-powered Image Caption Generator

Is there anything artificial intelligence can’t do? All the global social and professional interactions are being dominated by visuals and imagery. With technology growing rapidly, manual efforts fail to meet the requirements of tracking, identifying, and annotating huge amounts of visual data. With the advancement of artificial intelligence, businesses are accelerating the process of image captioning while generating significant value. 

AI-powered artificial intelligence employs various AI services to automate the image captioning process. Ksolves is one of the best companies that develop artificial intelligence with the latest technology. Let us discuss one of the applications of AI in this blog.

Applications of AI-powered image captioning

The AI-powered image captioning model is a tool that is automated and generates captions for enormous volumes of images. The image captioning model employs techniques from NLP (Natural Language Processing) to extract textual information from images given.

  • Recommendations in editing applications

The AI-powered image captioning model automates the captioning process for several functions like digital content production, editing, delivery, and so on. The models that are well-trained replace manual efforts that generally go in to generate quality captions for images as well as videos.

  • Assisting visually impaired

This image captioning tool has come as a blessing for all those who are visually impaired and unable to comprehend visuals. With an AI-powered image caption generator, one can read out all the image descriptions to the people who are visually impaired. This enables them to get a better understanding of their surroundings. 

  • Media and publishing houses

One of the industries heavily using AI is the media and publishing houses. They circulate huge amounts of visual information in the form of newsletters, emails, etc. This model speeds up subtitle creation and helps executives to focus on other important tasks.

  • Social media posts

Social media is using artificial intelligence for underlying mechanisms for identifying terabytes of media files. Community administrators can now monitor interactions so that they can formulate better business strategies.

Components of an AI-powered image captioning model

An AI-image caption generator contains deep learning neural networks- Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN), Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN), and Long Short Term Memory (LSTM).

  • CNN’s- They are deployed for extracting spatial information from the given images.
  • RNNs- They are used for generating sequential data of words.
  • LSTM- It remembers all the lengthy sequences of words.

Phases of AI-powered image caption generator

There are three phases of an AI-infused image caption generator-

  • Feature extraction

The initial process is done by CNN’s which extract distinct features from any images based on their structural context. CNN’s also create feature vectors known as embedding, which is used as an input for RNN algorithms.

Images are fed to the CNN as a form of inputs in different formats like png, jpg, and so on. The neural networks compress large amounts of features that are extracted from the original images and a feature vector that is RNN compatible. CNN is also called an encoder.

  • Tokenization

The RNN is generally used to decode the process vector inputs that are generated by the CNN modules. RNN models must be trained to initiate the task for captions. You need to train your RNN model for predicting the next word. 

However, without definite numerical alpha values, training the models becomes ineffective.

  • Text predictions

The last phase of the model is text predictions. Here an embedded layer is used for transforming each word into the required vector and then pushed for decoding. The RNN model along with LTSM should remember the spatial information and predict what is the next word. 

Ksolves Artificial Intelligence services

We, at Ksolves, offer artificial intelligence and customer services on a global scale. Our team of skilled professionals works with the latest technologies to provide enterprise-grade artificial intelligence integrations services. Along with artificial intelligence, we are capable of deploying machine learning models like dpi machine learning and aws machine learning. If you are looking for more artificial intelligence and machine learning solutions, give us a call or write to us in the comments below.

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Khwaja Mohammad Tauheed

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