Did You Know?

Salesforce Commerce Cloud enhances scalability and agility for businesses, allowing them to quickly adapt to
customer demands and market changes. Businesses leveraging Commerce Cloud have witnessed:


Historic Uptime


Revenue Increase




Faster Processes

Our Salesforce Commerce Cloud B2C Services

At Ksolves, we offer a range of Salesforce Commerce Cloud services intended for B2C businesses. This suite of services
helps them drive more sales, maximize customer engagement, expand their online presence, and drive more

Omnichannel Experience

Connect with your customers across all touchpoints! Our certified Commerce Cloud specialists assist you in unifying shopping experiences across multiple channels. We guarantee that your customers receive a consistent brand experience whether they shop online, in-store, or through mobile devices.

With our omnichannel approach, we offer various features to elevate the buying experience for customers. These features include buy online, click-and-collect, pick up in-store (BOPIS), and many others. Moreover, we leverage advanced analytics to understand your customers’ behaviors across channels and optimize engagement strategies.

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AI-Powered Personalization

Deliver a personalized experience to each customer! The Commerce Cloud’s integration with AI unlocks countless opportunities to enhance customer engagement and increase conversion rates. Our team of Commerce Cloud experts helps you engage your shoppers with content tailored to their interests, preferences, and behaviors.

Targeted product recommendations: Salesforce Einstein, a comprehensive AI for CRM, tracks your customers’ shopping trends and suggests personalized products. This enhances customer experience and engagement, leading to increased sales.

Dynamic content: We help you improve your website’s dynamic content by analyzing user behavior, preferences, and demographics. This maximizes content relevancy and, in turn, engagement.

Smart search: Our professionals are proficient at implementing smart search functionality on your E-Commerce website. This functionality auto-suggests products to your customers, understands natural language queries, and provides relevant results.

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Headless Commerce for Flexibility

Experience flexibility with headless commerce! Our Commerce Cloud experts are adept at decoupling your E-Commerce website’s front end (the presentation layer) from the back end (commerce functionality). This decoupling provides you with unparalleled agility.

Greater design freedom: Design your storefront without worrying about the constraints of the traditional monolithic platforms. The decoupling of the front end and back end provides greater design freedom and flexibility.

Integration with any front-end technology: We seamlessly integrate your E-Commerce platform’s back end with front-end technologies, including Angular, React, Vue.js, and more.

Faster innovation: Our experts deploy new features and updates to your E-Commerce platform. We ensure that your platform meets evolving customer needs and provides exceptional experiences.

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Agility and Scalability

Effortlessly adapt to growing customer demands and propel business expansion! We excel in designing a scalable and agile E-Commerce platform, enabling you to stay ahead in this dynamic market landscape.

Easy integrations: Our Commerce Cloud professionals extend your platform’s functionality by integrating it with third-party apps. These apps include ERP, CMS, WMS, payment gateways, BI tools, social media platforms, data warehouses, etc. These integrations streamline your operations and maximize efficiency.

Scalability to meet demand: We specialize in designing a scalable infrastructure that effortlessly accommodates increased traffic and transaction volumes. Our goal is to ensure your E-Commerce platform delivers a seamless experience to customers, even during peak conditions.

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Focus on Mobile Commerce

Capture the booming mobile market! With our mobile-first approach, we guarantee that your E-Commerce platform is optimized for all mobile devices. We utilize mobile-specific features, such as geolocation-based offers, to improve engagement and drive conversions.

Our Commerce Cloud developers ensure customers can easily browse, shop, and checkout on your platform from their smartphones and tablets. We help you offer a consistent shopping experience to your customers across all mobile devices.

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Our Salesforce Commerce Cloud B2C Services 

At Ksolves, we offer a range of Salesforce Commerce Cloud services intended for B2C businesses. This suite of services helps them drive more sales, maximize customer engagement, expand their online presence, and drive more conversions. 

Omnichannel Experience

Connect with your customers across all touchpoints! Our certified Commerce Cloud specialists assist you in unifying shopping experiences across multiple channels. We guarantee that your customers receive a consistent brand experience whether they shop online, in-store, or through mobile devices.

With our omnichannel approach, we offer various features to elevate the buying experience for customers. These features include buy online, click-and-collect, pick up in-store (BOPIS), and many others. Moreover, we leverage advanced analytics to understand your customers’ behaviors across channels and optimize engagement strategies.

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AI-Powered Personalization

Deliver a personalized experience to each customer! The Commerce Cloud’s integration with AI unlocks countless opportunities to enhance customer engagement and increase conversion rates. Our team of Commerce Cloud experts helps you engage your shoppers with content tailored to their interests, preferences, and behaviors.

Targeted product recommendations: Salesforce Einstein, a comprehensive AI for CRM, tracks your customers’ shopping trends and suggests personalized products. This enhances customer experience and engagement, leading to increased sales.

Dynamic content: We help you improve your website’s dynamic content by analyzing user behavior, preferences, and demographics. This maximizes content relevancy and, in turn, engagement.

Smart search: Our professionals are proficient at implementing smart search functionality on your E-Commerce website. This functionality auto-suggests products to your customers, understands natural language queries, and provides relevant results.

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Headless Commerce for Flexibility

Experience flexibility with headless commerce! Our Commerce Cloud experts are adept at decoupling your E-Commerce website’s front end (the presentation layer) from the back end (commerce functionality). This decoupling provides you with unparalleled agility.

Greater design freedom: Design your storefront without worrying about the constraints of the traditional monolithic platforms. The decoupling of the front end and back end provides greater design freedom and flexibility.

Integration with any front-end technology:We seamlessly integrate your E-Commerce platform’s back end with front-end technologies, including Angular, React, Vue.js, and more.

Faster innovation: Our experts deploy new features and updates to your E-Commerce platform. We ensure that your platform meets evolving customer needs and provides exceptional experiences.

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Agility and Scalability

Effortlessly adapt to growing customer demands and propel business expansion! We excel in designing a scalable and agile E-Commerce platform, enabling you to stay ahead in this dynamic market landscape.

Easy integrations: Our Commerce Cloud professionals extend your platform’s functionality by integrating it with third-party apps. These apps include ERP, CMS, WMS, payment gateways, BI tools, social media platforms, data warehouses, etc. These integrations streamline your operations and maximize efficiency.

Scalability to meet demand: We specialize in designing a scalable infrastructure that effortlessly accommodates increased traffic and transaction volumes. Our goal is to ensure your E-Commerce platform delivers a seamless experience to customers, even during peak conditions.

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Focus on Mobile Commerce

Capture the booming mobile market! With our mobile-first approach, we guarantee that your E-Commerce platform is optimized for all mobile devices. We utilize mobile-specific features, such as geolocation-based offers, to improve engagement and drive conversions.

Our Commerce Cloud developers ensure customers can easily browse, shop, and checkout on your platform from their smartphones and tablets. We help you offer a consistent shopping experience to your customers across all mobile devices.

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Trusted Choice of Top Global Players

Our expertise and proven track record of delivering innovative solutions have earned us the trust of several
global leaders

Trusted Choice of Top Global Players

Our expertise and proven track record of delivering innovative solutions have earned us the trust of several global leaders

Our Diverse Industry Reach

From tech startups to healthcare giants, we at Ksolves specialize in meeting the unique needs of
diverse sectors. Regardless of your industry vertical, we deliver solutions tailored to address your
business challenges.

industry icon
industry icon
Retail &
 IT Industry
IT Industry
 Public Sector
Public Sector

How is Salesforce Commerce
Cloud Beneficial for Your

Salesforce Commerce Cloud is a comprehensive cloud platform that simplifies everything, from setting up a digital storefront to driving sales. Powered by Salesforce Einstein, automation is at the heart of Commerce Cloud. It comes with features and tools, enabling brands to build E-Commerce sites and unify online & in-store experiences.

Elevate online shopping for your customers with Commerce Cloud’s AI and real-time data!

Streamlined Sales Processes

Increased Sales

Improved Sales Performance

Operational Efficiency

Increased Sales Productivity

Data-Driven Decisions

Better Customer Insights

Improved Marketing

More Accurate Forecasting

Stronger Brand Reputation

Strong Customer Base

Global Commerce Capabilities

Elevate online shopping for your customers with Commerce Cloud’s AI and real-time data!

Customer Success Stories

Dive into the collection of our intriguing success stories demonstrating our expertise in Salesforce
Commerce Cloud. Check out how our team has empowered clients to create, manage, and grow
their online stores.

Why Ksolves is Your Ideal Partner

As a Salesforce Summit Partner, Ksolves is committed to revolutionizing your E-Commerce strategy with new ideas
and cutting-edge technologies. We aim to maximize your online sales with our specialized expertise in Commerce
Cloud. With our experts’ several years of experience and expertise, we help you solidify your online presence.


Years of Experience

Deliver Scalable,
Cost-Effective Solutions


In-House Code Development


Faster Response


On-Time Project Delivery


Repeat Business


Client Retention Rate




Salesforce Certified


Projects Delivered

Experienced Team of
Certified Salesforce
Commerce Cloud Specialists
and Consultants


Years of Experience


Client Retention Rate


Faster Response


On-Time Project Delivery


Repeat Business


Projects Delivered

Deliver Scalable,
Cost-Effective Solutions


In-House Code Development


Salesforce Certified


Salesforce Certifications

Experienced Team of
Certified Salesforce
Commerce Cloud Specialists
and Consultants

Ksolves Integration of Salesforce
Commerce Cloud With Other Tools

Our seasoned team of certified Salesforce specialists excels in integrating Commerce Cloud with
multiple third-party applications. 

Marketing and Sales Integrations

Marketing Automation

Marketing Automation

CRM Systems

CRM Systems

Order Management and Fulfillment

Order Management and Fulfillment

Warehouse Management Systems (WMS)

 Fulfillment Providers

Fulfillment Providers

Content Management Systems (CMS)

Headless CMS

Headless CMS

 Digital Asset Management (DAM) Systems

Digital Asset Management (DAM) Systems

Analytics and Reporting

Business Intelligence (BI) Tools

Business Intelligence (BI) Tools

Data Warehouses

Data Warehouses

Third-Party Applications

Social Media Platforms

Social Media Platforms

Loyalty Programs

Loyalty Programs

Payment Integration

Crypto Payment

Crypto Payment

 Wallet (Apple Pay/PayPal/Google Pay)

Wallet (Apple Pay/PayPal/Google Pay)

Ready to Build and Manage Your Digital Storefront With
Our Expertise in Salesforce Commerce Cloud? 


We have answered some commonly asked questions regarding Salesforce
Commerce Cloud.

What does Salesforce Commerce Cloud do?
Salesforce Commerce Cloud (SFCC) serves as a one-stop solution for E-Commerce B2B and B2C businesses. Powered by AI, this intelligent platform enables businesses to provide personalized shopping experiences to their customers. Einstein analyzes customers’ behaviors and generates personalized product recommendations. From storefront setup to conversions, SFCC effectively handles every aspect of your E-Commerce journey.
Should I choose Salesforce Commerce Cloud for my E-Commerce business?
Yes, absolutely! If your E-Commerce business is dynamic in nature, it is an ideal choice to use Salesforce Commerce Cloud (SFCC). Its scalable infrastructure allows it to scale easily and meet increasing business demands. Packed with robust marketing tools, SFCC helps you promote brand awareness and create loyalty in the market.
Why hire a Salesforce consulting partner for Commerce Cloud?
Salesforce consulting partners are firms that manage implementations and integrations of Salesforce products. Also, they specialize in developing and delivering custom Salesforce solutions to meet unique requirements and challenges. They boast a team of certified professionals with extensive experience and expertise in Commerce Cloud.
By optimizing configurations, workflows, and integrations, these consulting partners guide you through every step of the way. They ensure you get the most out of the platform and maximize the return on your investment.
How do I get started with the Salesforce Commerce Cloud?
As a Salesforce Summit Partner, Ksolves can help you get started with Salesforce Commerce Cloud easily. We begin with an initial consultation, wherein we will discuss your business needs, goals, and challenges. Next, our team will assess your business processes and identify areas where Commerce Cloud can make a significant impact.
After a thorough understanding of your business requirements, we implement and configure the platform to perfectly align with your business processes. Our ongoing support and continuous improvement guarantee the continued operation of the platform.