Data-driven companies are riding on rapid business growth with cloud data lakes. Cloud data lakes are helping new business models […]
Apache Kafka is one of the most popular platforms these days. Apart from its popularity, Kafka is known for its […]
The Apache Spark community released a new version of Spark on Oct 13, 2021. Spark 3.2 arrived as a significant […]
In this new blog article, we’ll look at the latest version of MirrorMaker 2.0, which includes Apache Kafka cross-cluster mirroring […]
A lot of things have been changing in the data processing industry. We have also been hearing the talks that […]
The influence of Big Data on the financial services industry is difficult to anticipate, given that it is undoubtedly the […]
Remember the days when all the data which companies analyze used to come from a single relational database. Today, companies […]
For programmers, nothing is more personal than the language they use. The reasons a data scientist, engineer, or application developer […]
The most commonly used words in the analytics sector are Pyspark and Apache Spark. Apache Spark is an open-source cluster […]
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