A recent security vulnerability has caused a stir in the world of cybersecurity. A weakness in Log4j, an Apache Software […]
Many organizations are facing one common challenge of handling potential threats and data breaches within their environment. Every day we […]
Social engineering can be defined as a cybersecurity threat that leverages the weakest link in a security mechanism. The workforce […]
Cybersecurity is not limited to IT industries; it is crucial for every business, including profit and non-profit organizations. But, […]
Every individual receives spam emails with unsolicited email, foreign bank transaction requests, fake ads, and other appealing offers. Although spam […]
Nowadays, businesses are getting more digitized and competitive than ever. Most of the transactions are now online and preferred over […]
The prime reason for the importance of cybersecurity for banks is to secure customer data, login credentials, finance details, etc. […]
Before stepping into anything that we haven’t done before, always remember a golden thumb rule of life “Better to be […]
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