7 Reasons to Choose Flutter for Your Cross Platform App Development



March 10, 2021

Flutter for Your Cross Platform App Development

Flutter is one of the best choices for app development if availability across cross-platform is your goal. It can be utilized to develop applications for mobile, desktop as well as web platforms. Are you wondering about why you should use Flutter for the next project and the business gains associated with it? 

Top 7 reasons to consider Flutter cross-platform development:

1. A Single Codebase for Development

It is always preferable to develop an app utilizing a single codebase for multiple platforms and Flutter offers exactly that! This single codebase helps the developers to save their time and effort while developing a single codebase that can run smoothly on both iOS & Android. The focus is shifted towards like features, innovation, and other functionalities.

2. Code structure

Google has provided Flutter with bespoke features that mimic native Android languages. The best thing about Flutter is that it allows the separation of styles & executed codes in various classes. Having a single custom view displaying all the styles for several parts of your app speeds up the development process.

3. Dart Language

Considered as an in-house language developed by Google, Dart is a general-purpose, open-source, and simplistic language that is extensively used by Flutter for customized apps. The reactive framework that Dart employs enables it to manage both the front-end and back-end development from a single window. The certified Flutter developers leverage Dart to develop enterprise-level applications.

4. Stunning Performance

Flutter apps are extremely fast. They compile down into native binaries that depend on the rendering engines & graphics built-in C/C++ which render a quick and high-performance app. Flutter apps can notch up a stable 60 fps on most devices! The huge performance boost that Flutter offers has catalyzed its adoption rate by developers across the world. While genuine native apps are somewhat better when it comes to rendering & performance, Flutter has created its own niche among the cross-platform frameworks.

5. Hot Reload Feature

The popular hot reload feature of Flutter is a rage among the developers. It allows them to craft UIs & detect bugs speedily. It saves time that is normally spent on emulators & simulators for the apps(iOS or Android) by showing the slightest alterations in the app in “live” format.

6. Widgets

Flutter has a rich library of customized widgets. It is very easy to develop an app that aligns with the business model of any client with Flutter. It is possible to readily deploy widgets as per the business and requirements of the client & mix them to make alluring UIs. The layout feature also assists the developers to define the widget’s size, state, and position.

7. IDEs Support

Flutter lends support to IDEs like VS Code & Android Studio. Apps developed with Flutter don’t need much extension between the UI components & programming language as they are compiled to native code directly. It improves the app performance without compromising on the development time. 

End Note:

Cross-platform development is what businesses are looking for to save money and time while maximizing their outreach. In this context, beginning app development with Flutter can be a great option given the robust capabilities that the framework provides. Ever since its introduction, Flutter has only grown on its strengths and a booming developer base means constant evolution & superb documentation as well. To know more about the technical aspects of Flutter development, you can contact Ksolves Flutter experts.

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