How Ksolves Address Mental Health Issues Like A Pro?



October 6, 2021


Software Development Company

Remember the time when people were hesitant to share their mental health with the world. In fact, mental health was not considered a disease but an excuse to get away from tasks. Well, things have changed a lot! People are coming out and sharing their mental health issues with people around them. There is no doubt that the most affected area when it comes to mental illness is the workspace. The reason behind that is the constant work pressure and hard deadlines. Ksolves is not an exception to these issues, and addresses health as a necessity. 


Ksolves is a Software Development Company with 350+ developers and architects pushing their limits to deliver the best each day. Therefore work pressure and hard deadlines are part and parcel of our daily life. So, what does Ksolves do to address these issues and create a friendly environment for their employees? Moreover, how does Ksolves address employee-centric issues to create a happy and satisfying work life? Well, let’s dig deeper into the mindset and planning model of Ksolves! 


Virtual Fun Corner in Software Development Company

As we all are sitting at the comfort of our houses, it has become difficult to interact and peap into one’s issues. There can be a plethora of employees who are yet to meet their team members. So, how can you expect them to empathise with their teammates and colleagues? Right? However, that’s not the case with Ksolves India Limited. All it takes is one strong and ever-active HR Management team, which is exactly the case with Ksolves. 


Our HR team organizes Fun Activities every week which includes events like Singing Competition, Quiz Competition, Rubik’s Cube Competition, and many more! These activities are attended by each member of the organization including the CEO of Ksolves, Mr. Ratan Srivastava. By the way, he is a phenomenal singer and a great participant himself. All of these activities have become a part of our work culture, which not only allows us to show our hidden talent but also satisfies our entertainment quotient! 


Apart from all the scale competitions, Ksolves pays huge emphasis on maintaining the work balance of the employees with Friday Activity! Now, what is Friday Activity? As per the concept accumulated by Ksolves, the workload is monitored for each employee on a regular basis. As soon as the workload exceeds the threshold, particular employees are invited to the Friday Activity to refresh their energy and emit some pressure with small games.  


In order to encourage the team members and celebrate their participation, Ksolves offers a handsome winning prize for each activity. Well, you won’t believe it, but even the participants are awarded with exciting prizes, including the winners. Ksolves’ Virtual Fun Corner is a befitting reply to the mental health issues hovering around the companies all over the world. 

Goodbye Mental Health Issues At Work! 


According to a report by ‘Our World In Data’, around 792 million people face mental health issues till 2017. Disheartening to hear, but the data has staggered several another millions during the pandemic. And, based on the judgement as per the upward graph, it requires an instant action. Ksolves believes in ‘Emerging Ahead Always’ as one family with all it’s employees intact together peacefully. However, the message becomes difficult to deliver at some stages like a pandemic. 


All we can say is that Ksolves India Limited is addressing the major issue like a pro with every employee participating as per their convenience. Maybe, that’s what makes the best Software Development Company in India and the USA with high-end technology solutions like Salesforce, Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, Microservices, Apache Kafka, Apache Spark, and many more! So, would you like you hire our to draft a perfect solution for your company? Do let us know! 



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