Preparing For Omicron: Get Ready With All Your Best Defenses For Covid-19
January 20, 2022
The new year dawns with the pandemic threat yet again. The new, heavily mutated variant of SARS-CoV-2, Omicron, was first detected by scientists in South Africa. Ever Since it has come into existence, public health worldwide has taken a toll. The fear becomes, even more, when evidence mounts that the variant is highly transmissible among all age groups. It is said that this variant is far more transmissible than its immediately preceding variant, Delta. Ksolves as a responsible IT solution provider wants to share with all our customers the solutions to fight this pandemic and come out safer and stronger.
Fighting Omicron with best defenses : Ksolves
The first indications are that the Omicron variant may have much milder consequences especially in the people that are vaccinated, than infections with previous variants like delta where most of the population was hospitalized. However, it’s still premature to say that Omicron will only cause mild illness and is not life-threatening. We have to wait for a few more months we guess.
The only solution is to prepare ourselves for the worst to come. With more cases of omicron coming up every day, the health system has been critically shaken. Although governments have issued fresh guidelines, it is time to take that extra care.
Various studies predicting a potential peak of omicron around February leave the health system with little time. But, the lessons learned from the second wave are not forgotten yet.
The best way to stay safe from the omicron variant of the Covid-19 is to be aware of your surroundings and community spread in your area, and exercise the precautions that we have been following for two years and by far working for us.
Get Vaccinated as early as possible
The first and foremost thing you should do is to get vaccinated as soon as possible. COVID-19 vaccination is the safest and the fastest way to help the immune system in building protection against the omicron virus and others that are going to come. Vaccinations reduce your risk of death from COVID-19 by 10 times. It also offers you additional protection against reinfection. The people who are fully vaccinated flush out the virus faster from their bodies compared to the unvaccinated. It also reduces the risk of spreading the virus to your family, friends, and acquaintances.
Get the booster dose
A booster dose is given to individuals who complete their vaccine series and the immunity protection against the virus begins to decrease with time which we have seen in several data. This doesn’t mean that the vaccine is ineffective. It’s only because the immune systems of these individuals need the additional dose to get to the level of immunity that best protects them from severe illness or hospitalization. Also, the vaccines may not be that effective on the new variant and you might require a booster shot for the additional cover.
Wearing a mask in public
Wearing a mask in public places is recommended to all age groups. You must have heard it many times, but we’ll say it again, wearing a mask is essential in reducing the spread of droplets that may contain the virus. By wearing a mask you are protecting your community and our most vulnerable. Touching our faces is human nature. By wearing a mask, we can reduce the direct contact of touching our nose and mouth, which is a prime source of contracting viruses such as COVID. Additionally, even when you are not coughing or sneezing, you still can allow droplets to spread on items when you speak. This is why it is encouraged to wear a mask all the time when in public places.
Practice social distancing
The Omicron virus spreads easily through physical contact from one person to another. And hence, it is important to reduce the ways of communication. The best and the most effective way to do this is to stay home as much as possible and avoid crowded, public places where it is difficult to keep a safe space between people. Even if you have to go out, maintain social distance. It is extremely important to keep following physical distance in your community, whether you’re in one of the high-risk groups or not. Social distancing is a simple protection tool that holds many meanings.
Avoid indoor crowds
Getting vaccinated and wearing masks are just not enough to protect yourself from the omicron virus. The highest risk gatherings come from large indoor gatherings where maintaining distance is not possible. These gatherings could be anything like events, marriages, house parties, etc. You should avoid indoor as well as outdoor gatherings at all costs.
General hygiene safety
The omicron is spreading fast and what we must not do is panic. We can keep the virus at bay by being as clean and hygienic as possible. You should wash your hands properly often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or use hand sanitizer whenever you are in public or coming out of the places where social distancing isn’t possible. Avoid touching your face and avoid physical contact like shaking hands. Throw used tissues away, or cough and sneeze into your arm, and then wash your hands, Dispose of masks and other things properly. Do not touch public surfaces and always use surface disinfectant.
We know that everybody is well aware of the precautions yet Ksolves team must keep you reminded so that you can save yourself and your community from this deadly virus. This time the virus is more strong and spreads faster than the previous variants and thus the fight against it should also be stronger. Ksolves as a responsible software development company stands with you in the fight against the covid and will keep sharing the information that needs to be shared among the population. We urge you to keep yourself safe and take all your precautions and don’t forget, Ksolves is the best software solution provider globally. Together we will beat the pandemic and will continue making smarter IT solutions.
An experienced technical Content Developer with in-depth knowledge of Salesforce, Big Data, Data Science, and other technologies! Tauheed focuses more on what readers want to read and crafts his content based on the same.
An experienced technical Content Developer with in-depth knowledge of Salesforce, Big Data, Data Science, and other technologies! Tauheed focuses more on what readers want to read and crafts his content based on the same.
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