Top 5 reasons to use the Apache Cassandra Database
Apache Cassandra
June 17, 2021
With the modern world being trademarked by a data boom, having a robust database management system is a necessity for businesses. Apache Cassandra, a NoSQL database is an excellent choice for the use cases across many different applications like business and e-commerce apps. It can be scaled linearly, provides high-octane performance even with variable workloads, and is easily available. Add to that, the support that Cassandra can provide for replicating across multiple data centers. It is probably the best-in-class, rendering lower latency for users. The operators love it because it can survive regional outages.
Top 5 reasons for you to hire a top-notch Apache Cassandra Development Company and benefit from it.
Performance(Speed) & Scalability
Special architectural structures position Cassandra as an advanced technology to process data at a quicker pace than its competitors. Cassandra achieves breakneck speed in the following two ways :
Utilizing a hashing algorithm, it takes rapid data storage decisions.
It provides independence to nodes in making data storage decisions. Thus, there is no need for a centralized “master node” to control storage decisions.
Since no “master” is needed to orchestrate and manage data, all nodes act as cheaper commodity servers.
By placing less focus on data accuracy, it achieves great scalability. Consistency usually necessitates the utilization of a master node to monitor and implement what consistency should be enforced (by rules or previously stored data)
Finally, it utilizes the “gossip protocol” for peer-to-peer contact. This allows nodes to connect and exchange metadata, making it simple to add new nodes.
Superb Fault Tolerance
There is no central(or single) point of failure since it is masterless. Add to it, its potential of rolling updates with no downtime. This is due to Cassandra’s ability to tolerate the temporary loss of several nodes (based on cluster size) with little effect on the cluster’s overall efficiency.
Cassandra provides a safety net that stretches beyond your data center. Cassandra enables data replication through several data centers and maintains multiple copies in different locations. This satisfies a variety of regulatory criteria while also facilitating robust disaster recovery and business continuity strategy.
Custom tuning
By turning several levers and knobs, Cassandra’s performance can be optimized for specific workload environments. For example, if there is a lot of log data that is not read frequently, then the configuration can be tweaked to suit Cassandra for write-heavy systems.
If someone writes heavily to a data center while reading from another one, then the settings can be adjusted to tune Cassandra to a data center-by-data center basis.
Easy Integration Of Core Applications
A great deal of effort has gone into making data processing and parsing systems easily integrable with Cassandra. For example, Apache Solr, a full-text search engine, can easily work with Cassandra, allowing an existing Cassandra database to have great search capabilities.
Apache Spark can also work with an existing Cassandra database for big data analytics. Tool suites such as Apache Kafka, Mahout, etc can be integrated to improve capabilities as well. This is significant because if you have more tools at your disposal, the data you have becomes more valuable. You can learn more about your data without developing and managing the application mechanisms that were previously necessary.
Proven Track Record
Cassandra is already being used successfully in a number of places. Cassandra is used by banks along with other financial institutions to store vast amounts of financial data. Cassandra is also utilized by web analytics firms to store data. Sensor data, time series inputs are stored in Cassandra by medical companies. Additionally, there are businesses relying on Cassandra to store data from the internet of things (IoT).
Wrapping Up:
Having a great community is the biggest boon for any software. Apart from the reasons mentioned above, Cassandra is blessed with experts and developers who are always available for guidance. There are plenty of other reasons that make Cassandra the perfect tool for your application. If you need further details, you can consult our Apache Cassandra experts anytime!
Anil Kushwaha, Technology Head at Ksolves, is an expert in Big Data and AI/ML. With over 11 years at Ksolves, he has been pivotal in driving innovative, high-volume data solutions with technologies like Nifi, Cassandra, Spark, Hadoop, etc. Passionate about advancing tech, he ensures smooth data warehousing for client success through tailored, cutting-edge strategies.
Apache Cassandra
Anil Kushwaha, Technology Head at Ksolves, is an expert in Big Data and AI/ML. With over 11 years at Ksolves, he has been pivotal in driving innovative, high-volume data solutions with technologies like Nifi, Cassandra, Spark, Hadoop, etc. Passionate about advancing tech, he ensures smooth data warehousing for client success through tailored, cutting-edge strategies.
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