Java Vs Kotlin – What should you opt for Android development?



December 28, 2020


java vs kotlin

Android apps are considered a potent option to drive business growth to a higher tier. But, picking up the best programming language can be a dilemma. Java is still the most popular option, and the programmers appreciate it. However, with the arrival of Kotlin, there is now a widespread debate! In this space, we will discuss the difference between Kotlin and Java in Android and let you form your opinion.

What is Java?

Java is widely utilized for native Android app development that can seamlessly integrate with the operating systems. This language facilitates program development and is supported by a wide range of platforms other than Android! 

Benefits of Java

  1. Java is a multiplatform-supported language and can function on almost any device, operating system, or server. This is the prime reason behind its popularity.
  2. It is almost impossible for the Java instructions to compromise data or corrupt memory from other operating systems’ apps.
  3. As it is an object-oriented language, Jave makes it relatively easier to develop modular apps & reutilize the parts that add to the robustness.
  4. With Java, there are third-party codes which can be readily utilized.
  5. It is an open-source language. Its libraries are handled by trusted companies such as Apache, Google, and others.

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What is Kotlin?

In the battle of Kotlin vs. Java, Kotlin is a new-age language developed by Google that is heavily inspired by Java. As we focus on the Java and Kotlin comparisons, it can be said that Kotlin has improved the shortcomings of Java while also introducing many new features. The language is clean, simple, and has far fewer formalities as compared to Java. 

Benefits of Kotlin

  1. Kotlin apps are lightweight, take less time to compile, and keep the app size in check.
  2. The codes are much smaller than Java, which implies fewer bugs.
  3. The Kotlin code is compiled to a bytecode, which can be run on JVM. This means that the libraries & frameworks that are made in Java can be moved and executed in a Kotlin project.
  4. It is easy to configure projects for Android Studio with Kotlin script. It also helps to minimize compile-time errors by detection.
  5. Kotlin is very safe with NullPointerException. It also includes coroutines & can interoperate seamlessly with Javascript.

Java & Kotlin Comparison Based On Several Parameters

Compilation time

Generally, Kotlin has a relatively slower compilation speed in comparison to Java. The Java codes can be compiled faster than Kotlin.

Null safety

Kotlin boasts of an in-built null safety feature. The infamous NullPointerException causes Android development mistakes. To represent a blank value(absence of a value), Android depends on the Null. However, this can damage the application. With Kotlin, you get an inherent null safety to mitigate this problem. The developers’ lives become easy as they do not have to write extra codes to work around the issue.

Data Classes

A full-sized project must have many data classes whose function is to hold the data. Although these classes have insignificant functionalities, the Java developers must write boilerplate codes. 

Generally, a Java developer must define a constructor and many fields for data storage. Getter & setter functions are utilized for every field and functions like toString(), equals(), etc.

With Kotlin, developers have a simplistic approach to create such classes. They just have to include the data keyword in the class definition. The entire task will then be taken care of by the compiler.

Lambda Expressions

Lambda expressions can be implemented with Kotlin, which are anonymous functions(treated as values). They can be passed to methods as arguments, return them, or other things that you are allowed to perform with a normal object.

On the other hand, Java does not support lambda expressions.

Extension Functions

Developers can easily extend a class with Kotlin through extension functions. While these functions are available for other programming languages such as C#, Java lacks them.

To create an extension function in Kotlin, you have to add the name of the class that has to be extended as a prefix to the function that you create. 

Ternary Operator

Java uses ternary operators, unlike Kotlin. The operator works in a simple way, just like an elementary if statement. It evaluates true or false based on the defined conditions.

Syntax for Java ternary operator:

(condition) ? (value1) : (value 2)

Community Support

Kotlin has finite learning resources as it is new and has a smaller community of developers. In comparison, the community circle is much bigger for Java.

Closing Thoughts

Java has survived for decades as a language, and Kotlin can be termed an enhanced Java version. The two languages have striking resemblance and both offer significant support for Android app development. How Kotlin is better than Java? Well, Kotlin has a slight edge over Java as it has shorter coding, reduces errors, and is a versatile & reliable language.

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