Here’s Why You Must Deploy Java Microservices on the Cloud



November 10, 2020


how to deploy microservices in java

It is possible to implement the microservices application architecture through the utilization of the Java programming language. Within the same application, you can deploy Java microservice simultaneously with other services(in different languages).  

To properly comprehend the Java microservices, you can begin with the basics- Elementary Understand Of The Java Monolith.

Java Monolith

Let us assume that we are developing an app for a financial institution. The app will be utilized by users to create a new bank account. This Java code reflects a simplified controller class to facilitate such an operation.

class BankControl 


    public void register(RegistrationForm form)





        // etc.



Here, the following things are done

  1. The form for registration is verified.
  2. A risk assessment of the user is done to determine whether a new bank account can be allotted to him/her or not.
  3. If everything is satisfactory, the bank account is created.

The BankControl class is packaged with the other source codes into a bank.war/bank.jar file to be deployed. On the server, the .jar file is executed to deploy the Java applications.

Now, the focus is to get the monolith smaller(its size can range from 1-100 Mb initially). As of now, the bank.jar executes in a single JVM.

But, what if the risk assessment service is needed by the other departments of the company and it is not necessary to exclusively attach it with the Bank domain? Thus, it can be carved out of the monolith to be deployed as a separate and independent Java process that can be called on based on the requirement.

So, what exactly does a Java microservice do? Instead of integrating the riskAssess() method inside the BankControl, you can simply relocate that specific method(and its helper classes). A project of Gradle/Maven can be deployed for this purpose and the method is put under source control so that it can be independently deployed from the banking monolith.

Thus, Java microservices try to achieve two important things:

  1. Call the independently deployable services
  2. Focus on inter-service communication as microservices require to communicate with each other.

In short, without the Java Microservice, there is a single JVM process- one banking monolith. 

With it, there are two aspects: 1) a monolith for banking, and 2) RiskAssess microservice, which executes on its own separate JVM process. 

The banking monolith needs to call that microservice to assess the risks.

How To Deploy Microservices in Cloud- A Brief Guideline

Before indulging in crafting applications using microservices, you must be clear about the scope of the application. Here are some guidelines that you can follow: 

  • When you are developing an application by deploying microservices, clearly segregate the domains and the functionalities(as per requirement).
  • Each microservice should focus on a specific utility of the application.
  • The application must be designed in a way to deploy each service individually.
  • Ensure that the communication between the microservices takes place through a stateless server.
  • Each service can be further fragmented into even smaller services that can have its own microservices.
java microservices

When Should You Opt For Microservices?

Microservices are best suited for the following scenarios:

  1. When you have a great test coverage & little or no technical debt
  2. Microservices are the best option for the cloud when there is a scalability requirement
  3. When you have to alter & deploy the app on a regular basis
  4. When the operations are dynamic in nature but the app can’t be stopped for updates.


The Benefits Of Microservices

The benefits offered by the microservices make them an alluring option for Java developers. From the versatility & security they offer to their independent style of functioning, the developers love to leverage the advantages.


As the features are segregated into siloed services, it is pretty easy to design, test, and deploy them independently. You do not need to redeploy the entire application if it is just one feature that needs updating. It allows the development team to work faster, be more agile, and make frequent software updates by developing and deploying distinctive services parallelly.


The segmentation of microservices also makes it very easy to update & patch a certain division. As a result, fewer lines of legacy code has to be maintained as compared to monolithic apps when it is updated. This makes it less susceptible to security failures. A smaller attack surface also implies that the teams assigned to each separate service can analyze the shortcomings better & update the security patches better. They can dedicatedly focus their efforts on protecting the smaller services that improve the overall security scenario of the app. Also, Java as a language is comparatively better secured than the other languages.


The quarantining of microservices eliminates the constraints of the traditional monolithic apps. While a monolith requires the same technology to be utilized by all the developers, microservices enable teams to work on various tech stacks while working on different services. The teams assigned for individual services can opt for the platform, language, and tools that they prefer.

Closing Thoughts:

Microservices are being adopted widely across the globe due to their simplicity and robustness. If you are looking to deploy Java microservices, you must look to hire developers who are not only adept in Java but also understand your operations to its core. The microservices are all about divide and rule albeit in a coordinated manner. Ksolves has seasoned professionals who can decentralize your app into microservices for optimum performance. Contact us today!

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