Decoding Tree View in Odoo 16: Understanding Priority



May 10, 2023


Tree View in Odoo 16

Odoo 16 is a powerful business management software that allows you to manage your business processes efficiently. One of its key features is the ability to create and customize different views for your data. Views determine how records of a particular model are displayed, such as in a list or graph format.

Each view type offers a different way of visualizing the data, and records can be requested/ accessed based on certain fields , like code , name . Depending on the different object/ record type you set a default view and then can set another view based on the sequence you preferred based on data.

For example while using a help desk system you can use kanban as the default view whereas while accessing contact record you can use list view as default view. In this blog, we will explore how to add a tree view in Odoo 16 and understand its priority.

Tree View in Odoo 16: Steps

If you’re a business owner or a developer who works with the popular open-source ERP software Odoo, you’ve probably heard of Tree Views, also known as List Views and how they may improve the usability of your application.
Tree views is a simple Odoo view that allows you to represent multiple data records in a hierarchical layout akin to a tree or folder structure. They visualize the links between distinct records in a database, making it easier to navigate and manage enormous amounts of data. Tree views are frequently used to depict parent-child relationships such as product categories and subcategories or employee hierarchies.

Odoo Tree View provides powerful features for filtering, grouping, and sorting data. With a wide range of options available, users can easily apply filters, group data, and sort it based on specific fields. This is particularly beneficial when dealing with complex data. Odoo allows you to effortlessly filter data using different criteria, apply logical conditions, and access information with ease. Additionally, you can save these filters as default settings for individual users or all users, making data management even simpler.

 Adding a tree view in Odoo 16 is a simple process. The steps are as follows:

  • Define a Model: To begin, you must define a model in Odoo. A model represents a database table and determines the data structure. You can define a model by writing a Python class that extends odoo. models. Model class defines the fields and behavior of the data to be stored. Assume you wish to build a model for managing tasks in a project management system. To capture the task’s properties, you can construct a model named project.task with fields like name, description, priority, and parent_id.You can add different types of fields on your model based on the type of data you are looking to store.
class ProjectTask(models.Model):_name = ‘project.task’

name = fields.Char(‘Task Name’)

description = fields.Text(‘Description’)

priority = fields.Integer(‘Priority’, default=0)

parent_id = fields.Many2one(‘project.task’, ‘Parent Task’, index=True)

  • Develop a Tree View: Once your model has been defined, you can develop a tree view that specifies how the data will be shown in the user interface. An XML file that describes the fields to display, the sorting order, and other features is used to define a tree view. The tree view in Odoo 16 can be defined using the tree element in the XML file. For the project.task model, for example, you may design a tree view that displays the name, priority, and parent_id attributes in a hierarchical structure.

<record model=”ir.ui.view” id=”view_project_task_tree”>

<field name=”name”>project.task.tree</field>

<field name=”model”>project.task</field>

<field name=”arch” type=”xml”>


<field name=”name”/>

<field name=”priority”/>

<field name=”parent_id”/>






  • Add the Tree View to a Menu: Once the tree view has been defined, it must be added to an Odoo menu so that users may access it. Odoo menus are defined by the model, and you can add a new menu item that links to your tree view. You can provide the menu item’s model, action, and view, and Odoo will develop the corresponding user interface for you.

<record id=”project_task_action” model=”ir.actions.act_window”>

<field name=”name”>Tasks</field>

<field name=”res_model”>project.task</field>

<field name=”view_mode”>tree,form</field>


<menuitem id=”menu_task”






To summarize, tree views are a key feature in Odoo 16 that allows you to present data in a hierarchical style, making it easier to organize and browse vast volumes of data. The ability to customize views, apply filters, group data, and sort based on specific fields empowers businesses to efficiently handle complex data sets. By following the steps outlined in this blog, such as defining a model, developing a tree view, and adding it to the menu, users can leverage the full potential of Odoo 16’s Tree View feature. With its user-friendly interface and robust data management capabilities, Odoo 16 proves to be a reliable and versatile solution for businesses in need of effective data organization and visualization.



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Neha Negi


Neha Negi, Presales and Business Associate Head at Ksolves is a results-driven ERP consultant with over 8 years of expertise in designing and implementing tailored ERP solutions. She has a proven track record of leading successful projects from concept to completion, driving organizational efficiency and success.

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Frequently Asked Questions

In Odoo 16, can I change the tree view?

You can customize the tree view in Odoo 16 by defining the fields to display, sorting order, and other features in the tree view’s XML file. You can also utilize the tree view definition’s characteristics and options to customize its appearance and behavior, such as choosing column widths, adding filters, and setting default values.

In Odoo 16, can I have numerous tree views for the same model priority?

In Odoo 16, you can have numerous tree views for the same model. Each tree view in the XML file can have a different definition, specifying different fields to display, sorting order, and other characteristics. Then, for the same model, you may add various menu items that link to distinct tree views, allowing users to access diverse perspectives of the same data.

Can I add context values to a tree view in Odoo 16?

Yes, you can add context values to a tree view in Odoo 16 by using the context attribute in the XML

Can we have a tree view inside an Odoo form view?

Yes , you can add a tree view for a one2many or many2many field of a form view.