Why is Odoo Gantt View Project a must-have Project Management tool for an Event Planner?



July 12, 2022

Project Management tool for an Event Planner

Every event planner, whether small or large, needs to deal with a plethora of tedious tasks, strategies, and resources on a regular basis.

In every event management agency, there are teams of event managers, executives, and plenty of other resources that work together to organize a successful event.

After two years of global lockdowns and other Covid 19 restrictions, event management agencies are being increasingly tasked with the development and execution of all creative, logistical, and technical elements for a variety of events and social gatherings.

As the outlook for the future of Event Planning looks rosy, it can be challenging to organize a successful event without the utilization of a robust project management tool like the Odoo Gantt View Project by Ksolves.

Whether you are planning an event for the first time, or you are already facing missing deadlines, exhausted resources, and uncoordinated teams, this article will provide you with several helpful perks that can keep your event from running in disguise with a Project Management tool like Odoo Gantt View Project.

What’s inside Odoo Gantt View Project?

The Odoo Gantt View Project by Ksolves is a robust Project Management Tool seamlessly used by businesses across various industries to manage projects, allocate resources and monitor dependencies under a fixed timeline.

Most project managers have a powerful project management software called Odoo Gantt View Project. It helps businesses to achieve competitive advantages over their competitors with various standalone advantages.

Using Odoo Gantt View Project by Ksolves, businesses can monitor the status of projects that takes weeks, months, or years to complete, providing project managers and other team members with one platform to learn about the project’s progress in real-time.

Let’s dive into some of the most crucial features of Ksolves’ Odoo Gantt View Project, specifically in terms of event planning:

  • Auto-Schedule Tasks

The Odoo Gantt View App’s Auto-Schedule feature facilitates the scheduling of dependent tasks simply by linking them to their parent tasks. If you relocate the parent task schedule in the Gantt View, the child task will be automatically scheduled following the parent’s task end date. When the parent task ends, the child task begins.

At an event, for instance, you cannot direct the catering crew to start preparing food before the logistics are in place. Once the logistics have arrived, the dependent task i.e. food preparation will be scheduled automatically in Odoo Gantt View Project app by Ksolves.

  • Critical Path

The Critical Path feature in Odoo Gantt View Project allows project managers to track the task dependencies. When a path is linked to a dependent task whose completion remains pending after the former has been completed, it marks the route in red to alert the responsible team.

For example, if the sound logistics team has not arrived at the event venue then the paths of other dependent teams like entertainment, anchoring, etc, will be automatically marked in red.

  • Eliminate Unproductive Days

With Ksolves’ Odoo Gantt View Project, event planners can remove holidays or unproductive days from the timeline of their Odoo Gantt Chart for more effective management and event planning. Hiding such days allows event planners to focus on the work that they could accomplish during productive days.

  • Deadline Alert

The Toggle Deadline feature in Odoo Gantt View Project allows event planners to quickly identify pending tasks that have already missed their completion deadline. Such overrun tasks are marked as red in the task list. The feature allows event planners to prioritize tasks without stress and allocate staff more effectively.

  • Presentation Mode

Organizing an event involves a range of essentials, and presenting them effectively can be challenging. In this situation, the Presentation Mode feature in the Odoo Gantt View Project by Ksolves comes into the picture, since it allows event planners to demonstrate details about events with the extensive Action Bar functionalities including Graph Overlay, Resource Panel, Critical Path, etc.

  • Set your Milestones

The Set Milestones feature assists event planners to pinpoint whether a particular phase or a certain event has been completed. The crucial phases which have been set as milestones in the Odoo Gantt Project serve as a guide to help organize tasks more effectively & adhere to a punctual schedule to ensure they are completed on time.

  • Multi-functional Resource Panel

Whether it be resource allocation or event cost estimation, the Odoo Gantt View Project by Ksolves manages everything in one go. With its Multi-functional Resource Panel feature, the event planner sees all projects and tasks in one place and can keep an eye on everything. Adding an extra edge to that, you can also estimate and manage event costs in real-time, and address any constraints in an accurate manner.

  • Smart Display of 30000+ Tasks

Do you have issues handling a variety of events perfectly as an Event Management Agency? Powered by the smart rendering functionality of Odoo Gantt View Project, the Smart Display of 30000+ Tasks feature handles more than 30,000 datasets without a hitch.

  • Email Alerts

As the name suggests, the Email Alerts feature lets event planners know what tasks are due before the completion date. Furthermore, the Email Alerts feature in Odoo Gantt View Project can also be used to get reminded of overdue tasks, timesheets, etc.

  • Single Gantt View For Multiple Projects

In Odoo Gantt View Project, event planners can track several events at the same time. There are columns on the left side of the app that provide information about different events. On the other hand, the right pane inside the app offers a visual overview of the tasks.

Why every event planner needs a Project Management Tool like Odoo Gantt View Project?

Why Event Planner needs Project management tool like Odoo Gantt View Project

Humans are prone to process visuals 60 thousand times faster in contrast to textual data. Seemingly, when it comes to event planning, it is always worthful to have actionable items and other elements of the events in form of visual graphics.

The day of an event planner starts with managing several teams and vendors and keeping track of tasks interdependent on each other. This is where the Odoo Gantt View Project by Ksolves takes over the charge from traditional spreadsheets.

The Odoo Gantt View Project is a Project Management Tool that illustrates the deadline and other important information about all tasks through intuitive Gantt charts. This helps the event planner to see the timeline of the event quickly and track whether tasks are being completed according to schedule.

Eventually, every one of us has some experience planning an event, whether it’s at home, at work, or in college.  However, when depicting about Odoo Gantt View Project, let’s focus on huge events.

Take an event like Auto Expo, for example, which involves lots of people and is entirely managed by an event planner. Now you can understand the structure and challenges of planning an event, along with the benefits of using the Odoo Gantt View Project.

In this section, we’ll review some of the most important features of the Odoo Gantt View Project and their relationship to event planning:

  • Action Bar

The Action Bar in Odoo Gantt View Project makes it easier to manage events like never before, it comes equipped with features to optimize the elements included in an event such as, indulged resources, time patterns of the tasks, and a lot more. Following are the features that you will find in Action Bar:

  • Graph Overlay
  • Duration
  • Grid
  • Resource Panel
  • Zoom to Fit
  • Critical Path
  • Today
  • Time Sorting
  • Sorting
  • Zoom In
  • Gantt View

The Gantt View is another crucial highlight in the Odoo Gantt View Project that helps event planners to modify the visuals of the Gantt charts as per their preference. The Gantt View allows event planners to visualize every resource and identify bottlenecks in the progress of the event. Following are the features that come equipped with Gantt View.

  • Create
  • Export
  • Task Bar
  • Task Tooltip
  • Task Status
  • Quick Add, Edit, and Delete
  • Markers
  • Taskbar Color
  • Keyboard Shortcuts
  • Edit Task

There could be times when you would need to modify the data associated with a task, this is where the Edit Task functionality in Odoo Gantt View Project comes in handy. It allows event planners to carefully customize the deadlines, duration, and other critical elements according to their team’s needs or the event. The Edit Task functionality offers the following features:

  • Overall Project Information
  • Unschedule
  • Task Type
  • Task Duration
  • Average Hour Per Day
  • Schedule Mode
  • Days Off
  • Constraints
  • Project Level Customization

Need to see every task element on the same page? Project Level Customization in Odoo Gantt View Project is like a Swiss knife that every event planner needs. Thanks to its robust features that make it easier for an event planner to customize the project UI in order to ensure efficient event progress. Also, its features allow event planners to determine quickly if the event is on schedule.

The Project Level Customization in Odoo Gantt View Project offers the following features:

  • Start Date
  • End Date
  • Tooltip Settings
  • Dynamic Text
  • Dynamic Progress
  • Days Off
  • Quick Info
  • Mail User

Benefits of using Ksolves’ Odoo Gantt View Project for Event Management 

Odoo Gantt View Project by Ksolves benefits event planners in numerous ways. As well as providing collaboration opportunities between multiple teams, it enables event planners to be free from physical space constraints, and it eliminates the necessity of carrying piles of papers.

These are the benefits of the Ksolves’ Odoo Gantt View Project that help event planners to plan events without any stress:

  • Streamlines event planning
  • Risk Management
  • Makes in-depth visualizations of a project’s timeline
  • Allocation of resources based on data-driven estimation
  • Predicts bottlenecks
  • Improves productivity
  • One platform for all files

Aside from the aforementioned advantages, Ksolves also offers advantages such as 120 days of free tech support as well as free lifetime updates on each download of the Odoo Gantt View Project.

Conclusion: Gearing up for Odoo Gantt View Project by Ksolves

A Project Management Tool, like Odoo Gantt View Project, is a great way to streamline workflows and ensure effective time management. Event planners limited to their desks can easily track all of the essential information related to their events such as tasks assigned to vendors, tasks progress, missed deadlines, etc.

Therefore, staying up to date and having real-time updates will allow event managers to make effective decisions to prevent resource waste. Odoo Gantt View Project offers all of the necessary features for planning and organizing events successfully. It is a powerful project management tool, which helps event planners save a lot of time, boost productivity and utilize that time for other tasks.


There are many frequently asked questions (FAQs) asked by event planners, so we have mentioned them all in this blog post.

1. With its capabilities as a Project Management tool, how does Odoo Gantt View Project contribute to Event Management?

Odoo Gantt View Project by Ksolves is a Project Management tool that provides all of the features it needs to allow the user to acquire a comprehensive view of all processes from planning to execution of an event or project.

2. Does Odoo Gantt View Project support file sharing?

Yes, thanks to the Gantt View panel inside Odoo Gantt View Project, there you can easily find the Export button to export the Gantt View of events in multiple formats like PDF, PNG, Excel, Json, MS Project (XML), Primavera P6, and ICal.

3. How can you track the task progress in Odoo Gantt View Project?

Using the Odoo Gantt View Project by Ksolves, you can visualize the task progress based on timesheets filled in by the assigned person. The Graph Overlays button in Action Bar displays two lines to highlight the progress of projects on the graph overlay: blue and red. While the blue line shows the planned progress, the red one indicates the actual progress(in percentage).

4. What’s the quickest way to manage resources using the Odoo Gantt View Project?

From the Action Bar menu, select the Resource Panel button. It helps you estimate project costs, monitor task progress, solve bottlenecks, and much more.

5. How can we check the Project overview in Odoo Gantt View Project?

From the Project option, the tasks of one project can be linked to one another. From the Assigned To feature, the project can be assigned to an employee. Through the Parent Task, the task is linked to the parent task. The deadline feature determines the deadline for a project. Labels help the reader understand the project genre by its type. Customer options link tasks to their customers.

6. How to unschedule a task in Odoo Gantt View Project?

You can use the unschedule feature to unschedule the task from Gantt View.

7. How can you modify the duration of a task in the Odoo Gantt View Project?

By using the Task Duration option, you can customize the start date and duration (number of days), and the end date will be calculated automatically.

8. How can I check employee performance for a specific task in Odoo Gantt View Project?

As part of the Edit Task column in Odoo Gantt View Project, you can find features to check employee performance such as Days Off, Overall Project Information, Unschedule, Task Type, Task Duration, Average Hour Per Day, Schedule Mode, Days Off, and Constraints.

9. Would you be able to provide a live demonstration of the Odoo Gantt View Project?

We are a customer-centric company that offers strong tech support via chat or phone whenever you need it. Additionally, you can take a look at the DEMO.

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Mudit Sharma

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