Hiring React Or Angular developer- The Pros & Cons



November 2, 2020


React Or Angular developer

ReactJS & Angular are the most popular Javascript frameworks in the market. Front-end is a vital part of any app. The customers interact with the app through it. The better the front-end the better the chances of success of an app in the market. Thus, it is important to properly design the frontend and make the navigation user-friendly. Before hiring a React developer or an Angular developer, you must decide the platform.

ReactJS & Angular: A Brief Overview

An open-source JavaScript library, ReactJS was introduced by Facebook. You can craft dynamic user interfaces and it relies on JSX (a PHP extension) & Javascript. ReactJS, thus, is widely utilized for developing HTML elements(that are reusable) for front-end development.

On the other hand, Angular was developed by Google and is an open-source front-end development framework. It is a part of the MEAN stack & is very compatible with numerous code editors. It is a great option for developing dynamic websites & web apps as well. 

So, what sets them apart?

There is one big difference when it comes to Angular and React. While React.js utilizes virtual DOM (Document Object Model) that allows you to access & alter document contents, etc, Angular functions with real DOM.

For instance, if you wish to update the user profile details(for example, their last name) the real DOM updates the whole tree structure of HTML tables instead of altering just that bit of info.

On the other hand, virtual DOM facilities update the changes, and the entire HTML doc is not rewritten. This allows for faster updates and boosts performance.

Following is a short example of how DOM works:

Major Points Of Difference

Data Binding

Data binding is the process of synchronizing data between the UI & business logic.

Angular utilizes both one-way & two-way to bind data- changing view triggers & altering data impacts view.

React leverages one-way binding. While designing a React app, developers nest child components within the higher-order parent components at times.

The code has more stability with one-way binding and it also makes the debugging of an app easier in comparison to the approach followed by Angular.

Backward Compatibility

It is important for the developers to update architecture and add newer modules and libraries. 

When it comes to Angular, it is not possible to plunge from Angular 2.0 to 7.0. You will require to install updates one by one between the versions.

React has great backward compatibility. You can simply add several releases of the libraries to the app & then update the older ones.


The future scope of the project is an important factor.

React is heavily dependent on third-party tools and it is the same when you want to scale your app.

Angular, on the other hand, has all the core features that a developer may require to scale an existing app through the addition of new functionalities.

Speed Of Development

Angular is an independent framework. It has an arsenal of tools that make the development process easier. It covers all aspects of front-end app development and doesn’t require any external tools or extra libraries.

React requires additional development libraries like Redux & React Router for state management, routing, and other elementary development functions. So, it takes longer to configure & set up than Angular.


Angular uses TypeScript, RxJS, and Zone.js. TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript while RxJS(a library) is utilized for reactive programming which facilitates asynchronous coding. Zone.js tracks the asynchronous operations. The mix of the three makes Angular an awesome platform for web & mobile development.

React segregates UI into UI components that facilitate visual interface development. It renders the elements in HTML & functions only on the presentation layer. A JSX tool is utilized to put HTML into JavaScript. The tool can also instantly define any syntax error through static analysis. 

Angular Is The Best When:

  1. You are adept in Java or C# or have a deep understanding of the previous Angular versions
  2. You need to develop a low/medium complexity mobile app
  3. You want to develop a great app from scratch.

ReactJS Is The Best When:

  1. You are great in CSS, HTML, and Javascript
  2. You wish to scale the app from time to time in future
  3. You want to reuse the code across web apps

Closing Note:

Angular & React are great and have benefits & disadvantages based on the type of app you are looking to develop. The front-end developers must consider the requirements before choosing one of them. Both solutions are good for developing web apps. React facilitates the development of lightweight & flexible apps while an Angular developer adheres to a well-coordinated development approach that is more suitable for mobile app development. 

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